Cloud Resume Challenge - Part 3 - CI / CD

At the last part, I will fill in Github Actions, testing of the code and the whole development pipeline. As per the latest best practices in CI / CD, through this project I’ve involved SAM templates for provision and created a deployment pipeline for both frontend and backend infrastructure. project3

Cloud Resume Challenge - Part 3 - CI / CD

The pipeline is powered by Github Actions instead of using AWS CodePipeline. I decided it would be a good opportunity to dive deeper into Git. Figuring out a Github Actions template wasn’t so challenging keeping in mind that the most important part is not hard-coding your credentials. For this purpose it is essential to put your access keys in Github Secrets after to call on your template.
project2 With the pipeline finished, one last thing left to complete the challenge and that is python unit testing. I wrote a test that with the inclusion of moto library which I used to create a mock DynamoDB table to test out if my Lambda function.

A great addition to this pipeline would be updating S3 bucket content through boto3 utilizing python, which is done by the use of CLI command “aws s3 sync” for now.

Finishing Words

As I believe best way to learn is by actual hands-on experience; this project has been a big stepping stone in my cloud journey. I have learned a great deal from this challenge, and it helped me to synthesis theory with reality. My utmost thanks to the people on the internet who generously share their knowledge and experience with the cloud community.

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I'm interested in new career opportunities. If you have any enquiries, feel free to contact me.

Istanbul, Turkey

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